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Other Members

Associate Members are appointed by the Governing Body to serve on one or more governing body committees. They can attend FGB meetings but are not allowed to vote on governing body decisions but may be given a vote at committee level. They have specific expertise and experience to contribute to the success of the school.

Present Associate Members: 

Mrs Lee Cowden - Deputy Headteacher

Appointed by: The Governors of St James School
Term of Office: Started Summer 2021
Committee: All committees
Position of Responsibility: Deputy Headteacher
Register of Interest: None

Mrs Hayley Atkins - Business Manager

Appointed by: The Governors of St James School
Term of Office: Started 01.10.2021
Committee: Finance & Accommodation and Personnel & Equality
Position of Responsibility: Business Manager
Register of Interest: None

Mr Rory Morahan - Health & Safety Advisor

Frank Curry - Clerk to the Governors

The Clerk is considered an integral part of the Governing Body, although they are not entitled to vote. Their role is primarily one of providing advice and interpretation on the regulatory and administrative framework in which governors work, preparing and distributing minutes and agendas, keeping records and dealing with correspondence, keeping us organised! The clerk can be contacted at If you would like further information about our governors, the Governing Body or any aspect of school governance, please contact the Governors’ Clerk.